Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Criticism to TV

Personally, I believe that the sakes of criticizing television by artists derives from three incentives. First, the advent of television diverges the audience of video arts. People who made their living upon video arts suffer from such shift. Because the spread of television was so fast and became dominant in the market - people spend 7 hours per day watching it, less people will appreciate video arts as they used to be. Second, the technological inability is easy to be targeted. Since the television was only in black-and-white and the images are vaguely presented, the disadvantages are obvious and can be easily mocked by video artists. Third, even though the television expanded the artists' methods of publicity, it drastically changed the skill set needed to be successful. With television, some artists made the transition and study new technologies while others don't. Those people especially includes old video artists, who were less likely to make such shift because of their relative inability to accept new ideas.

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