Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Response to Origins of Video

The article is mainly talking about the development of the video and how it is affected by other new technical medias. Video is produced by using a camera. In a very early period, camera is shooting in black and white and without any sound. Since more and more new technologies developed, nowadays, video contains very high quality of sound and fresh colors. At the same time, the new medias such as TV broadcast becomes more and more popular which seems it can replace the role of video.
The most interesting part comes to me is the discussion of video and TV broadcast. Video shoots the most original scenes in life. Since TV broadcast is a relatively commercial product compare to video, video involves less editing than TV broadcast does. It is very simple and convenience to make a video at any time in any place, as long as, you get a camera in hand, however, it takes you a long time and spend you a large amount of input to produce a TV program.
Most people prefer watching TV since it involves many fantastic technical editing which can send large amount of information to people in a short time and gives people enjoyable visions. Video is relatively simple, and requires less technical cutting but it reflect the original face of our life. In my opinion, I like video the best as I think the origin sometimes can be different.
I accidently find a very interesting video on Youtube. Different from filming the scene as we normally do, this video is presented by using four iphones. Each of iphones shoots a piece of scene. When four of them connect together, it tells a story! Like I just mention, video can be an amazing media even without heavy editing.

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