Monday, December 2, 2013

Response to Medium is the Message

Medium the Message by McLuhan delves into the importance of the way an idea is portrayed, as opposed to the idea itself. It also discusses how the way an idea is communicated (the medium) is the message itself (page 3). By keeping this in mind, we could ask how the messages displayed have evolved over time as the evolution of mediums has paralleled the development of technology.
In the attached video, the idea Amazon Prime air is demonstrated via video. The video as the medium demonstrates the importance of rapid response, quickness, and immediacy. These ideas are paralleled in Amazon’s creation that is being advertised. Medium is the message is demonstrated because If the product was discussed in an article- a blog, a newspaper, it would have a very different message. The video demonstrates a hands on approach to transportation because the video is a hands on approach to transportation of ideas. Amazon is planning to deliver items within thirty minutes, and they are telling the world about it by using the quickest, most interactive, and most engaging medium they know- the video. McLuhan notes that General Sarnoff discussed that technology is not good or bad- it’s how we use it that determines the value. Amazon uses the medium of video to maximize the opportunity it has to share its ideas with the world by utilizing both visual and auditory output. The video is positively used and that’s what makes McLuhan and Amazon’s ideas in sync- they both value the medium that is used to communicate a message and go as far to make the medium the message. Amazon says immediacy is their next big thing by using a video to demonstrate immediacy is truly at the top of their priorities. They don’t just announce their idea- they prove it.

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