Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Medium is the Message response

Before reading this article, I had never truly thought about the medium in which we present pieces of work to be the message within the work. I, and I’m sure many other people as well, thought about the medium as a way to present the message, without being the message itself. Even as I read the first couple of pages, I was thinking of arguments to dispute the point of the article because I could not fathom how the medium could be the actual message of a piece as opposed to just presenting it. However, after finishing the article, I found myself agreeing with many of the issues presented. The way I see it, there can be a story or a message or an interpretation that can be represented by various forms of media. For example, a book can be made into a movie can be made into a Broadway show, etc. However, it will be different each time it is produced in a different medium. Therefore, the medium is taking on the message and, while it does present the message as well, it too becomes the message. In writing, the medium is the words that flow together ever so precisely and carefully to create something that people want to read. In film, although there is a written script that is another medium altogether, the camera manages to capture what the script alone cannot, and become something that people want to watch, instead of just listen to or read. Any medium can be deciphered to find the true message that the medium is when a work has been created. 

This music video is one of my favorites, and one that encompasses the idea of the medium being the message well. The video work is amazing, and the actions taken in the video could not have been done without the incredible camera work. In any other medium, this would have been a completely different work. The music in the video is necessary for the video to work, however, the video medium brings the whole piece together and creates the overall message (or general aesthetic) of the video. 

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