Saturday, January 24, 2015

On ***** Media Response

In Hovagimyans conclusion he states that we've moved away from the "Playback culture" of recording and moved into an era of "generative art". Now if he means to say that we've moved away from raw photography, film and music in return for purely synthetic creations, I couldn't disagree with him more.

I did like how he noted the drastic change in photojournalism when it started to surface. There was no glancing over the gritty details in a photo of war. However I don't think that's been lost. Sieving through pages and pages of news online, you'll still come across harrowing unaltered images of broken homes and families torn apart at the hands of war and conflict. If anything, with the technological improvements made in recent years this recording of still images has become even more powerful and wide spread. Think of any international news story that has occurred in recent years and you will be able to find gripping images of every single one. It is a medium that has, and always will be a powerful recording medium. Just look at social media. It's a constantly updated recording of our everyday lives. Hovagimyans does have a point that we can fabricate generative art. We can take a still image and alter it to our hearts content on software such as Adobe Photoshop and Aperture. But I can't imagine this replacing the above. I think photo as an art, it grew from photojournalism and branched off to do its own thing. Never replacing but always getting bigger and bigger.

And music? for music to have changed to a generative art, alternative, Acoustic, Blues, Classical, Country, Hip-Hop, Rap, Indie, Jazz, Latin, Opera, R&B, Soul, Reggae and Rock would all have to be extinct. Yes there may be post production to clear up some of the noise, and yes auto-tune has made an impressive showing in some genres, but the ones I listed above are still played live to millions of people with just a few speakers and a soundcheck. As it was in photography, there have been explosions of interest in new and fresh sounds such as electronic music, but it's grown and now holds itself apart from the rest as it's own genre. It hasn't muscled in on any others, it's found it's own spot and has thrived.

As for video, you need look no further than youtube, vimeo, hollywood, and most news broadcasting companies, even television, and you'll see how valuable a recording device video is. In my lifetime, I think the most impressive advancement has been the creation of GoPro. A first person point of view camera that really has changed how we film in certain areas, especially in extreme sports. Some of the footage is stunning. Sharing recorded personal experiences instantly.

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