Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Breanna's Response to Foster Reading

One thing that stood out to me in Foster's reading is his emphasis on "generic intentions" that can be found under the broad use of "intermedia."  When looking at film specifically, I've always found the most challenging part of analysis was to understand why the director gave me this shot versus that other potential shot, or why did the director zoom in here or pan out there--all of which are indeed "generic intentions" to help guide us through the film's underlying message.  And although heavy speculation can never lead to one correct answer to what an artist's intention is, I think Foster makes an interesting point that art should never be considered random at all.

However, below I've posted images of pieces of art where I have had trouble finding any "generic intention" Foster speaks of...images in which I have found it easy to call attention to its unbending sense of randomness (of course without Googling other people's impression of it first).  Can you speculate on each of these artists' intentions?

Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain"

Chris Burden's "Urban Light"

Banksy's "Telephone Booth"

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