Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Foster's Article - Kevin's Response

Before this article I didn't really understand the term "intermedia" (which isn't a real word according to spell check).  I know multimedia is when different content forms are brought together and used as one.  Intermedia is when you take various art genres and mix them together.  Foster writes, "I have always found intermedia most "inter" when the medium, whatever that happens to be, serves as a vehicle through which a variety of "generic intentions" can be processed, either consecutively, serially, or simultaneously." Although I am not 100% sure what means by "generic intentions," but I am assuming it has to do with the different forms  of artistic expression.  For example, the medium may be TV which serves as the vehicle through which a poem may be read or a musical piece played.  Also the poem and musical piece can occur one after the other or at the same time.

I also noticed that Foster brought up the "Is it art?" question which was talked about a lot last semester in my class Intro to Digital Art.  At what point does something become a piece of art? This question has many answers; however, I usually answer it in my own specific way.  Intention is very important along with meaning and popularity.  If the so called "piece of art" was un-intentional, its value as art is questionable, but that's not the only factor.  Is the "piece of art" given a meaning? Do other people find it interesting or aesthetically pleasing?  There are so many factors that go into defining if something is art that it comes down to gut feelings.

I found  youtube video called "Leon Botstein asks 'What is art?'"
In this video Leon states at the beginning "Art transforms the everyday."  The rest of the video describes how this relates to all forms of art.
I do agree with his argument although its very broad.  Art, even a photograph, somehow distorts reality/nature in some way.

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