Wednesday, January 30, 2013


In the article Hovagimyan states that we are moving into a "Post Media" information environment, however he does a bad job of explaining what exactly he means. He spends much of the article explaining different types of media, how it has advanced, and spends time explaining how they are a form of communication. Later he seems to say that with the advances in technology and art, such as the sampling culture of Hip-Hop and Electronica music, the post media environment is coming and will be characterized by "the art being ever-changing and there being no master or subsequent copies."I agree with Hovagimyan that art and media is a form of communication but i disagree with the fact that a new "Post Media" age is coming. Art and media has always been about expressing ideas and creating, the only thing that has changed is that technology has advanced and taken art and media in a radical new direction. It has become much easier for the common person to produce art and media and use them as forms of communication but they are still used to express the same ideas as they always were. With regards to the idea of there being no "master copies" i also disagree. I understand what he is saying about how everything is becoming so accesible and people adapt things and there so no copy will end up being the master track. This is very evident in music as remixing a song has become very popular, but sampling and covering songs and other forms of reproduction have always been prevalent now maybe more than ever, but there is always a defining copy that lasts for years while all others fade.
I posted a video about the effects media usage can have on a person.

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