- Art is a form of language
- If we are moving into the so called "Post Media" environment as he expresses in the article, art will always be evolving and therefore no same reproduction will exist.
- Every medium has one main purpose or use: to communicate
- Art is a representation of life.
Throughout the article Hovagimyan presents several examples such as Film and Photography that prove art is a medium though which humans communicate. When we look at a film, whether it has sound or it is silent, there is always a meaning, an idea or a message that the director is trying to get across. In a picture, as Hovagimyan mentions, the photographer tries to capture a mood by altering light and filters. People often believe photographs present the actuality of reality in a more natural and truthful way. Perhaps he felt the need of expressing the symbolic language of representational painting can't be compared with the information of a photograph.
Another point which I would really like to cover is how the basis of multimedia rose from film, which is a field that derive from a combination of mediums (sound, theatre, painting) that all came together to create a form of expression. I thought this was very interesting because there is no other form of art that uses more than one medium other than film.
After reading such informative article about various media forms, I came to finally understand this term. Like Zoe, I am still not so sure about what the author is trying to imply with the term "Post Media". What I gather from the last sentences is that since our civilization is every day becoming more and more technologically-based "computer logarithms" will "create or manifest the forms of art". Human society will somehow become an extension of such technological advancements and in the future, rather than making art directly, humans will use technology as a medium to communicate and share ideas, thoughts beliefs, art.
Here is the link to a video of McCluhan explaining briefly what he means by "The Medium is the Message".
Here is the link to a video of McCluhan explaining briefly what he means by "The Medium is the Message".
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