Although this article focuses on explaining the truths of art through play, symbol, and festival, the author also highlights the importance of the viewers. Regarding intermedia and performance art the author writes, “The viewer has no choice but to construct meanings on his or her own...” This statement made me realize why performance art has so much power; One reason is that performance pieces incorporate much wider audiences. The audience includes those who do not typically “construct meanings” on their own when viewing artwork such as a painting, drawing, or sculpture. Performance art forces the viewers to think thoughts and make connections they might not otherwise make. This is what performance art has the ability to make a stronger impact on the world - because it speaks its message to people regardless of whether or not they are typical art-appreciators. The above quote accurately describes the way I felt when watching the results of a “performance art” search on youtube. There were a lot of scary things, and although I did not realize it at the time, those videos were actually forcing me to “construct meanings” and to think about “what it means to be [myself] in the world.” I also loved the idea of art being a festival and bringing people together. The author states, “Art is a power to enact an experience of community in solidarity.” This put a paradoxical picture in my mind of a group of viewers arguing over the meaning or significance of a performance. It reminded me of that story about the five blind men trying to describe an elephant. So in a way as the art brings us together by driving us apart. Everyone’s interests and opinions are coming together and forming a community not necessarily because they are the same, but because they are all focused on the same piece of art.
I want to share Tintin Wulia because I like how she explains her fascination with borders, identity and passports though her performances and exhibits.
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