Monday, December 2, 2013

Response to "The Medium is the Message"

Thinking about the importance film and video carry as a medium can bring a greater breadth and depth of understanding than just thinking about the more apparent content they contain. When thinking about the medium as the message, video is particularly interesting as it visually captures other mediums. Especially with performance art, for example, when filming a person dancing, their body is one medium and the video is another. How is one medium enhanced when expressed through another?

The ways in which videos can be screened also demonstrate the importance and use of medium as videos can be projected on and played in many forms. Videos can be seen in public and private spaces, on screens, walls, buildings, computer, phones, ipads, etc. The medium in which a video is screened is an intentional choice that brings out subtle, underlying meanings. The medium used to play film and video also speaks to the current state of the rising use and accessibility of technology in our society.

Here is McLuhan's documentary film, "The Burning Would"

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