Monday, September 15, 2014

Marika's response to On****Media

Hovagimyan’s On **** Media discussed post-media and the evolution of art forms and people’s interactions with them. Something I found very interesting in this week’s reading was this idea that as we develop technology that allows us to replicate or portray things more and more realistically, the medium that new technology was replaced with begins to move into a move creative direction. Simple replication becomes less important because something exists that can do it better. Art is constantly changing and the tools with which we create art are becoming more advanced at an alarming rate. Even as a 22-year-old I find myself saying, “Remember back in the day when we couldn’t capture every moment with a photograph?” The video I am posting is a somewhat literal response to the reading because I really enjoyed the thought of this pressure to be realistic being taken off one medium and allowing it to be more abstract and creative in different ways. I posted a remix of Bob Ross's videos (the guy who made videos with step by step instructions explaining how to paint very generic scenery).  While everyone has different taste and enjoys different forms of art, there is definitely some judgment that comes from the art world when someone paints or creates something generic, unimaginative or without content (bringing in the concept of intermedia!). This just shows how art has evolved and comments on Hovagimyan’s point that with the invention of photography, painters were no longer needed to portray realistic scenes. This video shows how we now laugh at and make fun of people like Bob Ross whose artwork and style of painting is antiquated.

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