Monday, December 8, 2014

EXTRA CREDIT: Kate Weare, Naturalist

Kate Weare is an artist who is known for her exotic, simplistic and interesting art pieces within her community. Her company focuses on minimalist art and the documentation of it on camera. "While she is a minimalist choreographer, emotionally she explores the areas of love, femininity, strength and sexuality. Her movement ranges from seductive partnering and strong lifts, to witty gestures and lush movement phrases. She is interested in the kind of theatrical dance wherein narrative is implied but never specified and gives evidence of having thought deeply and fruitfully about her intentions." Weare's wide range of pieces reflect social justice, theatrical dance, and seductive nature all in a very unique and profound way. She eliminates the need to create "artsy" pieces by creating art in its rawest form and bringing it to the audiences.

In terms of filmography, she takes a very observational documentary approach to her films. With this fly on the wall approach, the directorial style does not take over the artwork and allows it to speak for itself and simply documents, rather than overtakes the piece. The usage of laissez faire direction allows for more focus on the art itself, while still making a piece that is cinematically pleasing.

laissez faire

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