According to the article art as a performative enactment is
an idea developed by Hans Georg Gadamer that consists of three elements; play
(“…perfomative enactment through movement…”), symbol “(…[existence of]
self-presentation that enables self-recognition) and festival/fest (“…enacting
an experience of community in solidarity).
The purpose of all three elements in relation to art as a
performative enactment and essentially what ties them together is the fact that
they possess the qualities of a double-sided sword. In essence these elements
do not work solely in one direction, but rather forwards and backwards
simultaneously. Standing alone these elements lose there meaning, but together
they build off each other creating the concept known as art as a performative
Take for instance the element of play. As stated by the
author of this article, “Movement is the key to play – but only secondarily the
movement of the player.” This essentially means that the main purpose of play
is not player’s movement but rather it is the player’s interaction with the
game with the intention of allowing the game to take over his/her movement.
“The purpose of the game is simply to be played so that the game becomes master
over the players…It is proper to say in sequence: ‘I am playing the game’; ‘we
are playing the game’; ‘the game is being played through our movements’; and
finally ‘the game plays itself through our movements.’” This illustrates the
notion of the double-sided sword because the concept of play is not solely one
directional from player to game, but rather works both ways generating a
relationship from game to player as well. Essentially if the player does not
allow the game to take over, they will have no success in their attempt to
embody the movements needed to defeat the game.
Though the notions underlying symbol and festival may be
different from that of play, the concept of needing interaction between the
element, the artist and audience remains the same. Take for instance Steven
Cohen’s performance in 2013,
this is one that I believe represents the element of symbol for it “…calls our
being into question [and] transports us into another order of things…” His
performance is in fact the existence of self-presentation.
Though I would never allow myself to do something so
extreme, it is fascinating the lengths people go create a piece and to embody
the elements of performance art.
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